April 22, 2024
Review - A Perfect Circle, Puscifer & Primus 'Sessanta' Tour @ The Greek Theatre (4/21/24)

Ler LaLonde, Maynard James Keenan, and Les Claypool @ the Greek Theatre (Photo: Kevin Keating) Time is an extraordina…
Ler LaLonde, Maynard James Keenan, and Les Claypool @ the Greek Theatre (Photo: Kevin Keating) Time is an extraordina…
Billy Howerdel @ the Independent (Photo: Kevin Keating) Billy Howerdel may not be a household name to many, but that’s…
The Black Queen (Photo: Stephen Odom) The Black Queen , an '80's R&B-infused synthwave 3-piece comprise…
A Perfect Circle (Photo: Kevin Keating) A Perfect Circle last hit the Bay Area when they played Sacramento’s annua…
A Perfect Circle's Billy Howerdel (Photo: Kevin Keating) It’s been a busy few years for Maynard James Keenan, t…