Review - Tool @ SAP Center (6/21/17)

Kevin Keating
Tool's Maynard James Keenan (Photo: Kevin Keating)
Tool, the prog-metal four-piece made up of Maynard James Keenan (vocals), Adam Jones (guitar), Justin Chancellor (bass), and Danny Carey (drums), played to a nearly sold-out SAP Center last night in San Jose and blew the absolute roof off. This was their second visit to the Bay Area in just over a year after playing the Bill Graham last January which you can read about here. And only 2 months ago, Maynard hit the Bill Graham again with one of his two other outfits, A Perfect Circle.
Adam Jones (guitarist) of Tool (Photo: Kevin Keating)
If you caught Tool's show in SF last year, this one at the SAP Center was nearly identical -- which wasn't a bad thing at all! Tool's shows are best described as live extensions of their mind-bending music videos of the 90's... The band members take a back seat to the art they've created and we in the audience sit idly-by to absorb the full sensory overload that we've come to experience.

Maynard was once again clad in his SWAT gear and blended into the background towards the rear of the stage for the duration of the show. Adam and Justin were at opposite front corners of the stage and had proper spot-lighting on them, but they too, rarely moved throughout the show. Danny was situated towards the center-right of the stage, and surrounded by his massive drum kit, synths and sampler.
Tool's Danny Carey (Photo: Kevin Keating)
The band couldn't have sounded tighter and the visuals were simply stunning. Highlights of the night included "Schism" and "Aenima" -- two of my personal faves that each showcase the bands' complex writing and composition styles.
Justin Chancellor (bassist) of Tool (Photo: Kevin Keating)
With only two dates left on their tour (Sacramento on 6/23 and San Bernardino on 6/24) your options are most likely limited, but let's keep our fingers crossed for a new Tool album any year now. ;)

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Tool Setlist SAP Center, San Jose, CA, USA, North American Tour 2017

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